Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bolivia Mission Aviation

Two years. Yes, two years ago I decided to fly for Gospel Ministries International in Bolivia. It’s been an experience like no other and I’ve never looked back. In fact, this year I believe even more so of my responsibility to give of myself in the Lord’s work. Time is very short my friends. We have witnessed so much misery on this planet, and I’m sure many of you can agree with me on that. I’d like to extend an invitation to you in joining the aviation work here in Bolivia. The Lord has always taken care of our needs, but lately I’ve been impressed by the Lord in an act to get others involved in what needs Bolivia Mission Aviation has. This impression from the Lord has been confirmed by friends and just the other night, by my wife. 

With the aforementioned, I have decided to make my blog a channel for others to see firsthand what our work here in Bolivia is and what the real needs are. I have tried to break cost down in a way that will allow money donated to go specifically to that area of aviation. I’d like to assure you that all donations specifically marked will go towards the support of that need. In addition I will do my best to update you as soon as possible when those needs are met or need your continual support.

If you ever wanted to support a mission aviation project directly, here is your chance. I also ask for your continued prayers. Some of us would not be here today if it were not for the prayers that you untiringly make to keep us safe. May the Lord Bless your offerings and multiply them greatly.

Herman Gonzalez
Chief Pilot-Bolivian Low lands
Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Herman Gonzalez
Gospel Ministries International
Project Name: Bolivia Mission Aviation
874 South McDonald, TN 37353
1 (423) 473-1841 or 1 (423) 473-1842

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